
How to Banish Audition Season Stress


Audition season is upon us, and it can drive our stress levels through the roof. Sometimes it’s hard to feel grounded when rushing from your day job to your audition and back. Taking the time to center yourself can make a difference when the audition moderator calls your name. Here are a few techniques that every singer should try:


Establish a routine

Having a pre-audition routine for yourself can make you feel more in control in the face of stress. Set a bedtime for yourself, look quietly at your music, visualize, meditate, turn on your vaporizer, drink some tea, or practice yoga. Pack your audition bag with your music, resume, headshot, and rep list the night before. Make a schedule that allows you plenty of time to wake up, prepare, and get to the audition space. Do everything in your control to avoid unnecessary stressers.



Athletes often use visualization, also known as guided imagery or mental rehearsal, as a method of preparation. This is a great tool for vocalists, too. See yourself walking into the audition space with confidence and ease. Visualize every aspect of the audition: your personal introduction, your first breath, the staging of your aria, and your negotiation of a challenging phrase. Picture yourself leaving the room with satisfaction. If you can see yourself succeeding in your mind, by the time you sing your audition, it will feel like you have already done it!



We talk about breath all the time, but often forget about breathing outside of singing. Focus not just on the inhalation, but the exhalation. A good yogic exercise that brings awareness to your breath is alternate nostril breathing. Hold one nostril closed while you inhale through the opposite nostril. Switch nostrils and exhale, then inhale again, and switch nostrils after every inhalation. This creates a relaxed, cyclical breathing pattern that can be cleansing.



For those of us with racing thoughts, the idea of quiet meditation can be daunting, but don’t knock it till you try it. First, find a quiet place to sit or lay down. Begin with body scanning. Work your way up the body and notice every joint and muscle. Allow tension to leave your body while being aware of your breath. When thoughts to enter into your consciousness, acknowledge that they are there, and then let them go. Let yourself be as you are in the present. Even as little as 10 to 15 minutes of meditation can refocus and calm your mind and body.  


Integrating these calming techniques into your audition and performance preparation can make a world of difference. We spend countless hours polishing our diction and working on our technique, but we can’t forget to ready our minds. Eliminating stress allows you to step in front of the audition panel and show them what kind of artist you really are!    

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