10 Opera Heroines Who Need Some Valentine Love

This Valentine's Day, when you're receiving chocolates and flowers from the special Don Giovanni in your life - because you know he has 1-800-FLOWERS on speed dial - pause a moment for these 10 opera heroines. Over 300 years of operatic woes and not a single love note in sight for this lot. Makes you think they'd be happy just to get a cheap flower arrangement from the local supermarket.  Yes - it's bad enough that even the sad-looking carnations might have given these ladies a little joy.


Countess- In their shared youth her man wooed her, but gone are those sweet days as he then proceeded to find his jollies elsewhere. After all that, our poor Rosina just wants a hug and a cuddle. "Dove sono" indeed.


Michaela- The patron saint of unrequited love - there's no way Don Jose would even remember to text her for her birthday. Bless her cotton socks.


Donna Elvira- Fiery little candlestick here to be sure - Elvira just needs someone to validate and love her. Sure, sure, she says it's all about Don G, but I bet she'd settle for Ottavio.


Dido- To be fair, she does get some decent love and affection earlier in the story. But once Aeneas heads out? Think of how differently the story might've ended if she got a nice bottle of prosecco, some store-bought roses, and a peck on the cheek from some plucky Carthagian chap.


Madame Butterfly- Oh, Cio-Cio San, just take some affection from one of the local guys! Please! Perhaps your "Bel di" could be today!


Ellen Orford- Although Peter has a soft spot for the lovely teacher, he can barely remember where his last apprentice went. Though I'm not sure he'd remember flowers, but I bet Ned Keen would!


Kundry- Warped by Klingsor and damned to walk the earth after laughing at Jesus. You'd think Parsifal would at least buy her a glass of rosé. Or, you know, enjoy her kiss a bit. Shame.


Duchess of Argyle- Since honey keeps looking for her kicks in odd places, all signs point to a soul who could really use a quiet night in with a duke, a bottle of red, and a warm fire. But then, couldn't we all?


Anna Nicole- Venerated in her early adulthood but later vilified, Anna Nicole really just needs someone to accept the blowing of her kiss. She's a lass with a lot of love to give.


Chrysothemis- Father murdered by her mum, brother in exile, sister losing the plot. Who wouldn't want a cuddle and a warm cup of cocoa should they find themselves in these dire straits?


Ah, opera - it means so much to so many of us. Perhaps this Valentine's Day it can help us appreciate what special things we have in our lives. Or, at least help us be happy that we're not one of the poor souls above. Bless them all.

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