
Big Hair, Don't Care As They Say

Big hair: Diana Ross had it, Dolly Parton had it, Cher had it. Even Renée and Susie had it.

Since the days of Mozart, divas have been using big hair to boost their appeal… and carry secrets. Love it or hate it, it is an essential part of a polished, audition look. How to begin? Some women say their hair is too fine, too thick, too straight to get the face-framing volume they need. They splurge on salon blowouts only to step into the New York, audition-season wind and have their hair fall flat. Next time, make the best of your assets by giving your hair the lift it needs, lift that will last. My secret? TEASE IT TO THE MOON…and yes, you can tease your hair without damaging it. Here are some tips from my grandma, 1960s bouffant-extraordinaire, to get your biggest hair ever.

1. Start with a clean, dry head of hair. I use a large round-brush and a hairdryer to get the shape I want before I begin my teasing. Simply curl the ends toward your face, holding the round-brush in place for a few seconds after drying each section. I usually go front to back, spending a little extra energy on the pieces closest to my face.

2. Combs. You'll need a fine-toothed comb, preferably one with multiple rows of teeth. I like to stock up every few months at my local beauty supply store. Nothing fancy--you can get a decent teasing comb for about a buck. Clip up the top layer of the hair. Stretch out a small section of hair, and using the teasing comb, comb down from the ends of the hair toward the roots. First the hair will pile up two inches away from the root, then three inches away, and so on. It’s imperative that you don’t spend too much time teasing the part that’s already been teased so as to not damage it — think long strokes rather than short, fast ones. Continue with small, 1- to 2-inch sections until your hair looks a little 80s-fabulous. Don’t worry, this will not be the final look, but do GO BIG! Consider it the secret structure that will exist underneath your big, beautiful hair.

3. Get busy with products. I recommend applying a hair powder like Kevin Murhy POWDER.PUFF to the underside of the roots. This product works well for men, too.

Hairspray is also a must -- spray a bit at the roots for extra hold and then spray all-over to hold locks in place once the hairstyle is finished.

5. Style. Smooth the top layer of hair into your desired, original style. You may want to use a brush here to achieve a more polished look; just be careful to not flatten the roots to which you’ve given so much TLC.

6. Massage. Last but certainly not least, give yourself a little scalp massage to lift the roots one last time. Smooth any strays. Ta-dah!

Here's how to wash it out when the diva's day is done:

  1. Gently brush it, but don’t get fussy.
  2. Wash your hair with warm water, using your fingertips to comb out any tangles.
  3. This one is so important! Condition it well, even twice if need be - I like to use a homemade concoction made from coconut oil and castile soap.

There you have it! Now get out there and sing, you fabulous thing.

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