Handel's Messiah: The Workout Part 2

So, you've gotten through Part 1 of the Handel's Messiah Workout. Congrats! You got a little sweat session in while practicing or just wanted to get into the holiday spirit with your workout. Who says singers aren't multitaskers? Get ready for more holiday spirit fitness fun with Handel's Messiah: The Workout Part 2.


If at any point you are feeling out of breath, woozy, or pain, please take a break and consult a doctor if the pain continues.

Take breaks a needed, but try your best to complete all the reps!


Every time you hear the following phrase, do the workout with the assigned amount of reps:

Part Two:

Behold the lamb of God

10 prisoner getups

He was despised

10 wide pushups

Surely, He hath borne

10 jump squats

And with his stripes

10 double crunches

All we like sheep have gone astray

20 mountain climbers

Let Him deliver Him

10 dips

Thy rebuke hath broken His heart*

Hold side plank for whole recit

Behold, and see if there be any sorrow

10 V-ups (each side)

He was cut off…*

Hold side plank on other side for recit

Lift up your heads

15 Supermans

Unto which of the angels…*

Hold low squat for whole recit

Let all the angels


Thou art gone up on high

10 Tuck jumps

The Lord gave the word

20 side lunges

How beautiful are the feet

10 toe touches

Why do the nations?

20 mountain climbers

Let us break our bonds

20 Russian twists

He that dwelleth…*

Jumping Jacks for the entire recit

Thou shalt break

15 air punches


Squat every time they say Hallelujah

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