
How to Build Your Best Website

In today's world, maintaining an active online presence is essential for any working singer. A quick Google search can lead directors, agents, and managers to your Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and website in mere seconds. A well-made website is a great place for performers to start building an online brand that represents their best work before they even set foot in the audition room. Use these tips to create a professional, engaging, and organized website that shows the world what you offer as an artist!


1. Pick an easy-to-use hosting service

There are a variety of website hosting services that will allow you to easily build and update your website. Wix, Squarespace, and Wordpress have user-friendly interfaces that allow you to add your information and media without any confusing code. These services offer affordable plans for purchasing your own domain name, making your website easy for any visitor to find. They also have a variety of page templates to choose from that will give your website a professional and streamlined look. Paying a web designer can be expensive, especially for young professional singers, so having the ability to edit and update your website on your own can save you both time and money.  


2. Create an eye-catching homepage

A polished homepage is like a good first impression on stage. Start with an interesting and high-quality website cover photo that shows you off. A production photo or a nice wide shot works well for this, and it's a good idea to ask your headshot photographer to take a few wide shots that could work as cover photos. Your homepage should also have a clear navigation bar so viewers can easily access the other pages on your site. Finally, put your most important and concise information where it is immediately visible. Reminders about upcoming performances, a press quote, a tagline, or a personal logo are all great options to include on that first page. 


3. Be picky with your photos and videos

You want your website to showcase the best you have to offer, so make sure your photos and videos match this standard. If a photo is blurry or unflattering, you probably don't want it to be featured on your website. Remember that a personal website doesn't need to have a ton of photos. It is better to have a few really great ones than to fill out your website with images that are less than stellar. Quality production stills and headshots are the perfect choices for your photo gallery.

The same principle applies to your videos. Our voices are constantly growing and changing, so it's important that our websites reflect this. You should have a few choice video and/or audio recordings featured on your website, but make sure you go through your media every few months to double check that these recordings still represent your voice as you sound in the present. Similar to your photos, the videos on your website should be high-quality clips. If you sound amazing but the video is blurry, make it into an audio recording instead.


4. Keep your engagements updated

It's important your website always reflects what you are doing next. Create a page dedicated to your upcoming performances and update it frequently. Long-past engagements are the biggest clue that your website is outdated, which can look unprofessional. You want it to be easy for your fans to know when and where you're performing so that they can come hear you!


5. Personalize, personalize, personalize

Your website should reflect who you are and how you present yourself to others. Think about your best features on and off stage and create your website persona around them. It is also important to remember that this is your website and it should look the way you want it to. Many hosting sites have different template options which you can play with until you find a format that works for you. You can also personalize your font. Using a custom font is an effective method to unify your website in a way that's unique to you. Sites such as Prototypo will allow you do customize a font, sometimes with a free trial and sometimes for a few dollars. If you don't want to pay for a custom font, don't worry about it. However, do make sure to pick a font that reflects your personality and use it consistently for titles throughout your website.


6. Show what you can do

Visitors to your website want to know what you as a performer are capable of. A personal website is the perfect place to brag a little bit. Your complete repertoire list, including all roles studied, large solo works, art songs, and crossover work should be easily accessible, as well as your most recent resume and headshot. You can include these documents as downloadable PDFs that directors and conductors can view on their own computers. 

It is also a good idea to include your bio as a downloadable PDF on your website. You can create multiple versions for use, perhaps a 200-word version as well as a longer 400-500 word version depending on your experience. This provides an excellent resource for reviewers and publicity agents, and allows you to summarize your achievements for the public in your own words.


We're all online all the time, so you might as well capitalize on it! Your website can showcase the best parts of you as a person and a performer, making it easy for any employer to see all of the incredible things you can offer their show or company. It is your own personal online gallery, so curate it carefully to create a product you would want the world to see.

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